Contact Us

Need A Password?:  Click the Classmate Profiles link in the top left navigation. Click on your name and follow the instructions to create your login. If you can not find your name, please fill out the form below to have your name added to your graduating year. Married ladies, please include maiden name. 

Trouble with your log in/or Forgot Your Password?: Please visit the First Time Here page to trouble shoot your issue. 

Email notifications from this web site:  For those of you with spam blocking or email filtering capabilities with your email accounts, please add to your email account as a safe sender in order to receive email communication from this web site.

Contact Us: Your site administrators are Mike Thurman, Kathy Ryan Eastwood, Kim Buckley Vargas, Cherri Yuen & Mary Gill Smith '61. All requests are emailed directly to us. If you have any questions about the site, please visit the First Time Here page. If you have questions not answered there, please fill out the form below and one of us will reply just as soon as we can. Thank you!


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